Please note: The Haftorah for Achrei (when it is not read with Parshas Kedoshim) is הלא כבני כשיים
The Haftorah for Parshas Kedoshim is התשפט התשפט but is read very rarely (approx. 3 times every 100 years.) The only time you lain the Haftorah of התשפט התשפט is when you already lained הלא כבני כשיים which only happens when Achrei-Mos and Kedoshim are NOT read together and it is not Rosh Chodesh or Erev Rosh Chodesh. The last times התשפט התשפט was read was 1997, 2024 and will be happening again in 2041 and 2068. At the moment, the Haftoros are switched on the website.

Sefer Vayikra

ספר ויקרא

You can dedicate an Aliyah, Parsha or Chumash in honor of a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one.

**Click on the shopping cart next to the Parsha of your choice to see the dedication opportunities.
A text box will appear in which to write your dedication.

$36 – Aliyah
$54 – Haftorah
$180 – Parsha
$360 – Yom Tov
$500 – Parshas Haman
$500 – Az Yashir
$720 – Each Megillah
$1000 – Chumash